…(that’s the 1990s) Bub Kuns (me) and Bob Matossian (the other guy) met at church in South County, California in a growing gospel-centered, arts-friendly church.
Bob has always been one of those people who makes pretty good things really good and really good things great. He’s a director, producer, production designer, technical director and all kinds of other things behind the scenes. His passion is to not only make things look and sound great, but to glorify God through beauty, excellence and hospitality.
I am (at heart) a storyteller. I’m a director, producer, writer, performer and editor. My life mission is to help and guide people to love God with all their “heart, soul, mind and strength.” Part of how I do that is by providing truth-filled, accessible, captivating content that packs a little punch.
Bob and I have have been redeemed and saved by the grace and mercy of Christ and we strive to honor God in all we do. Together we have worked on more than 400 events, shows, conferences, plays, short films and commercials. We have done that with joy (mostly), but it was always under another banner. One day, while driving back from an event in Los Angeles, we decided start our own thing; and so, Story Brothers was born!
We are excited to produce content that inspires, challenges and activates believers to use their talents and voices to make a difference in their communities and in the world for the cause of Christ.
To inspire and challenge the Body of Christ to use their gifts and voices to fight
evil and promote truth, goodness and beauty.
To create resources that help the Body of Christ confidently engage in culture.
To awaken the imagination of Christ-followers so they are inspired and excited to talk about the awesome God they serve.
To tell stories of people who have been transformed by Jesus and the difference they are making.
To demonstrate how Christianity is not only reasonable and rational, but also desirable and fulfilling.
To remind Christ-followers of God’s power, majesty, grace and mercy.
To active the body of Christ to permeate culture with truth, beauty and goodness.
To challenge the body of Christ to resurrect its passion for the Gospel and reach a lost and confused generation.
To motivate the Body of Christ to boldly engage in culture and help reset the course of America.